Xander’s First Photoshoot ~ The Phillips Family
Steve and I go way back to high school days. He had (has) a deep appreciation for music — so much so he DJs — and the visual arts that he even bought a poster that we (the Visual Arts club) had made for one of our dances.
Through the benefit of Facebook, we reconnected through mutual friends to the point that I was privileged to capture this moment with Michelle and Xander, his two loves of his life. Seeing him after all those years passed, was like yesterday. His hospitable demeanour hadn’t changed which only matched how great Michelle was.
So there we were, taking Xander’s first “official” photoshoot. Xander was cool, calm and collected — what a great model! He showed me his fox stuffed luvie, his love for the Blue Jays and of course, his exquisite taste in music (which I’m sure has transcended from his father…hehe!).
And as we got near the end of the photoshoot, Michelle got distracted by Xander’s cuteness that she hadn’t realized Steve kneeling in anticipation for her hand in marriage. What a beautiful and sweet moment to have captured for this high school friend of mine. This reunion gave me the warm fuzzies all over!
Enjoy highlights of Xander’s cuteness and how the surprise proposal unravelled.