
J + L ~ The Knot Is Tied!

October 12, 2018

When cre­atives get togeth­er, won­der­ful art out of life is made. These two artists, J. and L., gave me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be just as cre­ative cap­tur­ing how they had planned their big day. Dur­ing our first meet­ing, we were talk­ing all about our expe­ri­ences in the fine arts pro­gram in uni­ver­si­ty and all I […]


Michelle + Oliver ~ The Answer Is “Yes!”

August 31, 2018

Today, my baby broth­er gets mar­ried. “Baby broth­er” tru­ly describes us well because (a) he’s my only broth­er; and (b) he was born when I was a strap­ping 12-year old. I’ve cer­tain­ly seen him grow through all the years. For sure there was that awk­ward ado­les­cent stage where our inter­ests col­lid­ed (he liked Weird Al’ […]