
L.V. + C.W. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

March 3, 2016

When I shot Lau­ra and Col­in’s engage­ment ses­sion, we used the grounds of where the wed­ding recep­tion was going to be held. On the morn­ing of the wed­ding, I had gone to see the excit­ed bride and her love­ly brides­maids at her par­ents’ place and what a trans­for­ma­tion had tak­en place! The tent was up and […]


L.A. + R.R. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

January 28, 2016

The big wed­ding day had final­ly come for Llorene and Renard and excite­ment start­ed to buzz since the morn­ing. See­ing the guys laugh it up and joke around as they got ready, was a lot of fun to shoot. Then, arriv­ing at the bride’s par­en­t’s home, the fra­grances that filled the air fore­told that it was […]


A Year in Review: 2015

December 31, 2015

So the year has end­ed and I thought to share my favourite pics from the ses­sions I had. I was giv­en the hon­our of shoot­ing wed­dings, engage­ments, mater­ni­ty ses­sions (some for cou­ples whose wed­dings I had shot pre­vi­ous­ly), and short­ly after, the grace to meet the baby that grew inside the moth­er’s womb, fam­i­ly sessions, […]


K.P. + K.J. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

November 19, 2015

With such cute smiles, who could­n’t love these two? Kyle and Kristi­na’s wed­ding hap­pened upon a beau­ti­ful and sun­ny June day. The day start­ed of with the guys charg­ing up with some friend­ly video-gam­ing com­pe­ti­tions and then, the ladies excit­ed­ly dress­ing up to “nines”. Kyle’s pas­sion for the arts of comics/superheroes and Star Wars, could only be enjoyed […]


S.C. + P.G. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

September 17, 2015

As the cliché phrase, “It’s so great to run into you!”, goes, many puns actu­al­ly point to how I met Sophie and Peter. Mom-in-law (Mom-Lor­raine) was an avid marathon run­ner and some of those races were enjoyed with her friend, Giselle. And since we were intro­duced to her daugh­ter, Sophie, we had seemed to run into […]