Melis Makeup and Hair

L.S. + P.J. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

October 27, 2016

So let’s back up a bit … say, my high school years. Yes, THAT long ago! Hang­ing out with “ma boyz” (Leslie and Louie) had always been the typ­i­cal thing to do after school. At their house, we’d either play video games, 2‑on‑2 bas­ket­ball on their dri­ve­way, rock it out on full-piece band set in the […]


M.A + R.G. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

April 9, 2015

It had almost been a year since I had seen Macy and Ryan on their engage­ment pho­to­shoot and their Big Day had final­ly come. The sched­ule of the day was packed: see­ing Macy and her gals get all pret­tied up by Melis Make­up + Hair check­ing out Ryan and his hench­men with many laughs and […]