High Park

About Face: Brittany King (Session 2)

August 18, 2016

Opera sopra­no singer extra­or­di­naire // Piano and voice music teacher: www.brittanyking.ca Make-up and hair: The Roy­al Treat­ment (Jes­si­ca King)


C.A. + F.A. ~ The Answer Is Yes!

February 4, 2016

Real­ly inter­est­ing how I met Car­oli­na and Fran­cis­co: Along with my wife and broth­er, we were asked to pro­vide music for a week­end retreat. As Spir­it-filled as it was, I got to meet this young cou­ple: two beau­ti­ful souls des­tined for each oth­er. It was only a mat­ter of time that the next phase of their […]


T.F. + D.B. ~ The Answer Is “Yes!”

July 24, 2014

From sis­ter to sis­ter, I was very priv­i­leged to con­tin­ue to be a part of anoth­er wed­ding from Son­al’s fam­i­ly (whose wed­ding was the very first one I shot). Well, five years lat­er, Tara was to “leave the nest” and start a new chap­ter in her life with her beau, Dio­go. Being a cou­ple who […]


D.H. + K.B. ~ The Answer Is “Yes!”

September 19, 2013

“Island Time”…could mean just the hourly change from time zones but for locals of the Caribbean (and close friends of those from the Caribbean) those two words mean “being late”. How could I even dare open up this post about this cou­ple? Well, it’s because with jok­ing under­stand­ing, they were actu­al­ly ON time and we […]


C.C. + H.M. ~ The Answer Is “Yes!”

May 23, 2013

You know you’re in Cana­da when … you expe­ri­ence all four sea­sons in one … that being Spring. Luck­i­ly for Crys­tle and Hud­son, the day of their engage­ment ses­sion felt like the true def­i­n­i­tion of Spring: blue skies, light breeze, pleas­ant cli­mate and won­der­ful light­ing. It was their idea to catch the cher­ry blos­soms at […]