
Leanna + Kishan ~ The Knot Is Tied!

January 24, 2020

When I think about my first meet­ing with Lean­na and Kis­han, it was tru­ly a fond mem­o­ry. Lean­na, after her work day, picked me up from the sub­way sta­tion (as my Uber … haha!). Then, we head­ed over to Kis­han’s apart­ment and we had such a chill, casu­al con­ver­sa­tion over a French-pressed cof­fee that Kishan […]


Béatrice + Brendan ~ The Knot Is Tied!

October 4, 2019

This would be my third time trav­el­ling to Ottawa to shoot a wed­ding and I was stoked! I love the vibe of Ottawa. With its Eng­lish-French bilin­gual­ism, and the water run­ning in and around the city, it makes me feel like I’m in an offi­cial Cana­di­an city. I’m so grate­ful to that Béa­trice and Brendan […]


Janice + Reggie ~ The Knot Is Tied!

May 9, 2019

This wed­ding was like some­thing out of “Dirty Danc­ing” or per­haps “Dance with Me”, giv­en how Jan­ice and Reg­gie had met. The loca­tion … sal­sa dance class. As a result, their wed­ding end­ed up being quite an exquis­ite blend of enter­tain­ment, where their friends from the class­es had dis­played their tal­ents with a cou­ple choreographed […]


J + L ~ The Knot Is Tied!

October 12, 2018

When cre­atives get togeth­er, won­der­ful art out of life is made. These two artists, J. and L., gave me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be just as cre­ative cap­tur­ing how they had planned their big day. Dur­ing our first meet­ing, we were talk­ing all about our expe­ri­ences in the fine arts pro­gram in uni­ver­si­ty and all I […]


Angela + Aaron ~ The Knot Is Tied!

June 14, 2018

This was an A++ wed­ding because, it was Angela & Aaron’s. (Sor­ry, bad dad-pun-joke!) Since our first meet­ing, we nat­u­ral­ly got along and enjoyed talk­ing about wed­ding details and the Rap­tors (’twas the sea­son). And even though they booked me well in advance, catch­ing up with them through emails was like catch­ing up with long-time […]


Nhu + Greg ~ The Knot Is Tied!

May 10, 2018

When Nhu & Greg con­tact­ed me to cap­ture their wed­ding, I was tru­ly hon­oured. You see, Greg is the broth­er of Trish who is the wife of Cale whom I first met back at my old parish, Prince of Peace R.C. Church (when Cale was the pas­to­r­i­al assis­tant, then). Neat, huh? So now that you see […]


Maja + Edward ~ The Knot Is Tied!

March 2, 2018

What a cel­e­bra­tion this was! Maja, who I’ve known since my first involve­ment with the Catholic Chap­lain­cy at York Uni­ver­si­ty, had found her prince charm­ing, Edward. What a per­fect match whom I got to wit­ness and cap­ture as their wed­ding day unfold­ed. Their cer­e­mo­ny was bilin­gual: Eng­lish and Croa­t­ian, giv­en that it was also held […]


Tiffany + Sean ~ The Knot Is Tied!

January 23, 2018

Tiffany and Sean came to me through the refer­ral of a won­der­ful friend and tal­ent­ed indi­vid­ual, Ian Liwanag (who’s a pre­ferred DJ at The Old Mill, Toron­to). Even after hav­ing dropped my name it was so con­sid­er­ate of them to pur­sue and get in touch with me. Our inter­view through Skype brought a lot of […]


Cinthia + Michael ~ The Knot Is Tied!

December 12, 2017

It was a win­ter wed­ding, actu­al­ly the first of three that I had that month. Yet, what a wed­ding for me to start the year off with! Cinthia and Michael planned it so well, we even had a won­der­ful spot of sun­shine and got to take some pho­tos out­side. I also got to cel­e­brate it with […]


Catherine + Matthew ~ The Knot Is Tied!

November 23, 2017

Being a wed­ding co-ordi­­na­­tor her­self, Cather­ine had just planned a flu­id wed­ding day that both her and Matthew would enjoy. And it was just that! Know­ing that I’m a solo-pho­­tog­ra­ph­er, we planned it out that I would see her first. Spend­ing that first hour with her and the gals in excit­ed glee, I was able to […]


Ann-Marie + Ryan ~ The Knot Is Tied!

September 14, 2017

In the days lead­ing up to the wed­ding, I joked with Ann-Marie, “So what time do you want me to start? Six in the morn­ing? … haha! <nudge!><nudge!><wink!><wink!>” Ann-Marie: “Umm, yeah! Is that okay?” And when I real­ized that she was­n’t jok­ing, I took a deep breath and told myself: “I got this!” I was still […]


Debbie + Jafari ~ The Knot Is Tied!

August 18, 2017

“And ya kyant beet dat!” ~ Jafar­i’s Father (in his dis­tinct Jamaican accent) That phrase pret­ty much summed up the entire wed­ding day that Deb­bie and Jafari enjoyed and had been antic­i­pat­ing. You could­n’t beat how styl­ish these two were: the beau­ti­ful embroi­dered wed­ding dress with a vin­tage mesh veil and the fly suit with “crys­tal” […]


Krystiana & Ben ~ The Knot Is Tied!

June 22, 2017

What can I say about these two love birds? Ele­men­tary school sweet-hearts, youth min­is­ters, faith-dri­ven and über cute togeth­er! Hav­ing known them through church in our parish, it was very hum­bling to have been asked to cap­ture their “Yes!” to God’s call in their voca­tion of mar­riage and to wit­ness them vow to each oth­er through […]


P.W. + S.I. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

June 1, 2017

This com­ing Sun­day, my fam­i­ly and I will be going to the 21st Annu­al But­ter­fly Release and Fam­i­ly Pic­nic put on by the Preg­nan­cy and Infant Loss Net­work (P.A.I.L.) Net­work. At this event, real but­ter­flies are released in com­mem­o­ra­tion to the infants that have been lost: whether through mis­car­riage, still-birth, or ear­ly moments after birth. Since […]


S.K. + N.S. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

May 1, 2017

This was a first for me (and per­haps most of Shazia & Nor­man’s guests): an Irish-Ismaili Mus­lim wed­ding. Shazia and I had first met at Man­dana and Daniel’s wed­ding and I remem­ber her being a won­der­ful and gen­tle soul sin­cere­ly per­form­ing her duties as a brides­maid. When she had con­tact­ed me announc­ing that she was […]


J.D. + C.D. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

March 31, 2017

They were plan­ning for “small and inti­mate” and so their wed­ding day was just that. At St. John Vian­ney R.C. Church in Bar­rie, a num­ber of close friends joined their imme­di­ate fam­i­lies attend­ed Judy and Chris’ wed­ding. It was serene and peace­ful and per­fect for them both. There­after, we trav­eled to the lakeshore to con­tin­ue on with […]


B.B. + A.W. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

March 9, 2017

I guess you could call this one of my des­ti­na­tion wed­dings, as I had to trav­el “all the way” to Strat­ford for Brit­tany and Alex’s wed­ding. What a beau­ti­ful roman­tic back­drop to cel­e­brate a wed­ding. It brings me back to the days my wife and I were dat­ing and enjoy­ing the Shake­speare­an the­atre and the […]


K.D. + A.L. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

February 10, 2017

As the first wed­ding of that year, this was the one to start with. Every­thing ran smooth­ly, there was­n’t a feel­ing of being rushed, there was ample time to enjoy and ban­ter around and most of all, to wit­ness Karen & Allis­ter’s vows, was the icing on the cake. Both of them were orga­nized to […]


T.A. + D.S. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

January 26, 2017

We were all watch­ing the weath­er fore­cast and thank­ful­ly, rain did­n’t show up as a guest. It was great to have had both Taryn and Dan in the same hotel (Pan­tages Hotel & Spa) which allowed me to casu­al­ly see each of them for the pre-cer­e­­mo­ny shots. To say the least, every­one was calm, cool […]


L.S. + P.J. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

October 27, 2016

So let’s back up a bit … say, my high school years. Yes, THAT long ago! Hang­ing out with “ma boyz” (Leslie and Louie) had always been the typ­i­cal thing to do after school. At their house, we’d either play video games, 2‑on‑2 bas­ket­ball on their dri­ve­way, rock it out on full-piece band set in the […]