Fujinon 90mm f2

J + L ~ The Knot Is Tied!

October 12, 2018

When cre­atives get togeth­er, won­der­ful art out of life is made. These two artists, J. and L., gave me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be just as cre­ative cap­tur­ing how they had planned their big day. Dur­ing our first meet­ing, we were talk­ing all about our expe­ri­ences in the fine arts pro­gram in uni­ver­si­ty and all I […]


Ann-Marie + Ryan ~ The Knot Is Tied!

September 14, 2017

In the days lead­ing up to the wed­ding, I joked with Ann-Marie, “So what time do you want me to start? Six in the morn­ing? … haha! <nudge!><nudge!><wink!><wink!>” Ann-Marie: “Umm, yeah! Is that okay?” And when I real­ized that she was­n’t jok­ing, I took a deep breath and told myself: “I got this!” I was still […]


T.A. + D.S. ~ The Knot Is Tied!

January 26, 2017

We were all watch­ing the weath­er fore­cast and thank­ful­ly, rain did­n’t show up as a guest. It was great to have had both Taryn and Dan in the same hotel (Pan­tages Hotel & Spa) which allowed me to casu­al­ly see each of them for the pre-cer­e­­mo­ny shots. To say the least, every­one was calm, cool […]