
About Face: Joe Is the New Black

July 31, 2017

Check out Toron­to’s home-grown fash­ion­ista, Joe Amio (Joe Is the New Black). Any­thing up-and-com­ing in fash­ion trends, sneak­ers (’cause he’s plays ball in Nike’s Hoop­ClubTO), funky gad­gets or any­thing cre­ative, you’d want to check out what he’s got to share. Offi­cial web­site: Insta­gram: Tum­blr: YouTube: (Oh, and he’s my cousin!) ’


About Face: Sam

November 4, 2016

A Captured Moment with Jessica Ann Berube

February 28, 2014

You may find this face famil­iar, as she was part of the wed­ding par­ty in Brit­tany and Kyle’s wed­ding, a cou­ple posts ago. I was so hum­bled when Jes­si­ca had asked me to take some head shots. Did­n’t I men­tion that the wed­ding knows no bounds when it comes to artis­tic tal­ent? Well, Jes­si­ca is […]


Elements of Beauty ~ Make-up Artistry

January 27, 2011

And that’s the name of my friend’s make-up busi­ness “Ele­ments of Beau­ty“. So here’s a quick anecdote…when Michelle and I moved into our very first apart­ment (after one of the most won­der­ful days of our lives: our wed­ding!), the inau­gur­al laun­dry day had final­ly come! In excite­ment, we went to the laun­dry room with our […]