Check out Toronto’s home-grown fashionista, Joe Amio (Joe Is the New Black). Anything up-and-coming in fashion trends, sneakers (’cause he’s plays ball in Nike’s HoopClubTO), funky gadgets or anything creative, you’d want to check out what he’s got to share. Official website: Instagram: Tumblr: YouTube: (Oh, and he’s my cousin!) ’
Read More...You may find this face familiar, as she was part of the wedding party in Brittany and Kyle’s wedding, a couple posts ago. I was so humbled when Jessica had asked me to take some head shots. Didn’t I mention that the wedding knows no bounds when it comes to artistic talent? Well, Jessica is […]
Read More...And that’s the name of my friend’s make-up business “Elements of Beauty“. So here’s a quick anecdote…when Michelle and I moved into our very first apartment (after one of the most wonderful days of our lives: our wedding!), the inaugural laundry day had finally come! In excitement, we went to the laundry room with our […]