K.M. + F.L. ~ The Answer Is “Yes!”

October 8, 2015

After Kim and Fred gra­cious­ly hired me to cov­er their wed­ding, I was so excit­ed to get start­ed on their engage­ment pho­to­shoot. Hal­lowe’en is just as big of an event as Christ­mas and they want­ed to incor­po­rate that into both their engage­ment ses­sion and their wed­ding. As you will see, they decid­ed to use the Mad Hat­ter Tea Par­ty theme from “Alice in Won­der­land” and the Milne Dam Con­ser­va­tion Park was a per­fect set­ting. What intri­cate detail they took to set the table!

Just before, we did some por­traits with their beau­ti­ful dog­gies. (And here’s a bit of a plug in for the com­pa­ny Kim works for as a day­care own­er: Canine Cam­pus.) There­after, they were used to tell the sto­ry of get­ting to the tea party.

Final­ly, when it comes to Nerf gun­sling­ing, this duo is one that you would­n’t want to cross…a Bon­nie and Clyde, if you will.

It’s always won­der­ful to col­lab­o­rate with a cou­ple of cre­ative minds such as Kim and Fred. And I can’t wait to show you how their wed­ding turned out. Hang tight!


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