J.B. + T.K. : 100% Engaged!

June 8, 2011

Spring is cer­tain­ly in the air! In this post, I present to you Janine (pro­nounced “juh-nen”, the French way) and Tim, a young cou­ple get­ting ready for their wed­ding this July. And I say “young”, as you will see how full of ener­gy they were at this pho­to­shoot. Although they will be get­ting mar­ried in Ottawa, it was a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to catch them while they were in Toron­to for the week­end. We couldn’t have asked for a bet­ter day, as we held this pho­to­shoot at Edwards Gar­dens. Sure­ly, it was a busy site with oth­er for­mal wed­ding shoots and tourists roam­ing about. But that didn’t stop us from using the grounds when we had a chance. Although it was my first time meet­ing them, we were so quick to get along and I found myself less direct­ing their pos­es as they nat­u­ral­ly showed their love for each oth­er in front of the cam­era. Hope you enjoy these engage­ment shots as we antic­i­pate their upcom­ing wed­ding!


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