
M.B. + T.S. : Engaged!

May 11, 2011

Do I have all the luck or what? Anoth­er engage­ment pho­to­shoot and it rains! Ah, but I DO have the luck…working with a won­der­ful cou­ple, Macare­na and Tony!!! Tony’s sis­ter, Mar­i­anne, is a good friend of mine and she was very kind enough to rec­om­mend me, as they will be get­ting mar­ried this June. This […]


Elements of Beauty ~ Make-up Artistry

January 27, 2011

And that’s the name of my friend’s make-up busi­ness “Ele­ments of Beau­ty“. So here’s a quick anecdote…when Michelle and I moved into our very first apart­ment (after one of the most won­der­ful days of our lives: our wed­ding!), the inau­gur­al laun­dry day had final­ly come! In excite­ment, we went to the laun­dry room with our […]