B.T. + J.B. ~ The Answer Is “Yes!”
As with the recent sunny weather, Brandy and Jason emit sunshine whenever they are together. I had met them both at a marriage-prep course, where my wife and I had been asked to give our testimony to all the eager engaged couples, encouraging them about the “ins” and “outs” of marriage and how they can best practice Natural Family Planning. After our talk, Jason had approached me with the “I think I know you from somewhere…” line. Although cliché, I had also recognized him from my days with the Catholic Chaplaincy at York University. As we connected in conversation, the “shameless plug” that I ran my own photography business came up. Long-story-short, ain’t no shame in being hired thereafter…haha!
But honestly, it was providential that I reconnected with Jason at this point in his life and got to meet his lovely fiancée, Brandy. And together, we had such a fun time on their engagement session at the Richmond Green Sports Centre & Park. They picked a perfect backdrop which tied in so well with their personalities and the bright sunny weather just kicked it up a notch. From laughing through the serious poses to tender moments underneath the willow tree, Jason and Brandy just glowed with love for each other. After this session, I was already excited to shoot their wedding.
Hope you like these highlights! And yes…they are Trekkies, among other great and fun things (stay tuned for their wedding highlights)!