The Solivio Familyshoot

October 12, 2012

Four years ago was the last time I had seen my dear cousin, Marie, her hus­band, Jesh­er and her son, Caleb, as they flew over from Cal­i­for­nia for my wed­ding. Now, you have to under­stand that Caleb (aka K‑Bear) was at the ten­der age of 10 and a cute lit­tle thing. Fast for­ward to this past Sep­tem­ber (fly­ing back up to Cana­da to attend my cousin’s wed­ding), Caleb went from “cub” only to ful­fill his nick­name K-BEAR! We could­n’t believe how much he had grown in a span of only four years!

Marie and I had set up this pho­to­shoot because she want­ed to update her fam­i­ly pho­tos. Because of the busy sched­ule dur­ing the week of my cous­in’s wed­ding, it was chal­leng­ing to set aside time to shoot it. So, on the night of the wed­ding rehearsal, the entire fam­i­ly had gone to Man­darin in Mis­sis­sauga and this was the win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty! I must say, this Man­darin had beau­ti­ful land­scap­ing around the park­ing lot.

It was real­ly fun pho­tograph­ing this fam­i­ly because they are all about love and laugh­ter. Thank you, Soliv­ios, for allow­ing me to cap­ture this stage in your lives. Marie and Jesh­er, ya dun well, rais­ing K‑Bear to be the hand­some young man we know him to be! Until the next visit…

(This first pic­ture was tak­en four years ago.)
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