M.F. + D.L. ~ The Answer is “Yes!”

May 1, 2013

This year, the spring sea­son has real­ly been teas­ing us … more like con­fus­ing us when it would tru­ly arrive. Regard­less of when, the weath­er was not going to stop Man­dana and Dan from get­ting their engage­ment shots done. In actu­al­i­ty, they real­ly want­ed to have a snowy back­drop and thank­ful­ly (I say that loose­ly) the weath­er was cold enough to keep the snow on the ground for them.

I have to hand it them, though. It was ‑2 degrees Cel­cius and like true mod­els they stuck it out mak­ing it look nat­ur­al like it was at least 10 degrees while wear­ing beau­ti­ful Chi­nese cloth­ing. (Man, that was a mouth­ful!) But the chal­lenge only brought them clos­er togeth­er to keep warm and nat­u­ral­ly have the cam­era cap­ture their love for each other.

We shot this ses­sion at Milne Dam Con­ser­va­tion Park in Markham. With that amount of space, it was great to also have their cute dog, Pan­da, join in the fun. We were blessed that it snowed light­ly, as if we were on a movie set. So all the snowflakes you see in these pho­tos are cer­tain­ly real!

All in all, we had a great time and I’m look­ing for­ward to shoot­ing their wed­ding lat­er on this year!




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